Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics

Index of Volume 6 Number 2


Spring 2011


Participating in NI 2012

by June Kaminski, RN, MSN, PhD(c), Editor in Chief

Technology in Education Column

What is Your Favourite Nursing App?

by Dr. Sandra Bassendowski

Theory in Nursing Informatics Column

Diffusion of Innovation Theory

by June Kaminski, RN, MSN, PhD(c), Editor in Chief


An Online Stress Management Training Program as a Supportive Nursing Intervention for Family Caregivers of an Elderly Person

Francine Ducharme, RN, PhD
Véronique Dubé, RN, PhD(c)
Louise Lévesque, RN, MSc
Diane Saulnier, RN, MSc
Francine Giroux, MSc

In the News Column

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Online Journal of Nursing Informatics

The Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI) is a free, international, professional, refereed publication that focuses on nursing informatics in all practice settings. OJNI is committed to addressing the theoretical and practical aspects of nursing informatics as it relates to the art of nursing. We are proud that our readership spans 49 countries! The Journal was initiated in 1996 making OJNI the longest running journal dedicated to Nursing Informatics.


Issues are published at the end of each season. Deadlines for submissions include:

  • Summer 2011 Issue – deadline July 31st
  • Fall 2011 Issue – deadline September 30th
  • Winter 2012 Issue – deadline January 31st
  • Spring 2012 Issue – deadline April 30th

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