By June Kaminski, RN, MSN, PhD(c), Editor in Chief
By Dr Sandra Bassendowski
By Allen McLean, RN, MN, MSc, PhD(c)
By Allen McLean, RN, MN, MSc, PhD(c), Noreen Frisch, PhD RN FAAN & Abdul Roudsari, PhD
By Dr. Wendy Young
By Chelsey Nelson, 4th year BSN St, Tina Choi, 4th year BSN St and featuring Dawn Nedzelski, RN BSN MA St., and Jennifer Matheson Parkhill, RN MHS
By Elizabeth Joly, RN MSN, Interviewed by Chelsey Nelson, 4th year BSN St, Tina Choi, 4th year BSN St
By Dr Lynne Young, Interviewed by Chelsey Nelson, 4th year BSN St, Tina Choi, 4th year BSN St
By Louise Racine RN PhD, Lorraine Holtslander, RN PhD, Barbara Schindelka & Ryan Banow
By Kalli Stilos, RN MSN, Tammy Lilien, BA, Dr. Lesia Wynnychuk, M.D., Patricia Daines, RN MSN
This white paper discusses how prominent hospitals and health systems are using remote monitoring devices and applications in their programs as a way to connect patients and clinicians and to impact care outside of the organization.
HIMSS Analytics has created the EMR Adoption Model, an 8-stage model that allows you to track your progress against healthcare organizations across the country and view all scores in the HIMSS Analytics® Database.
Issues are published at the end of each season. Deadlines for submissions include: