Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics

Index of Volume 11 Number 4

Fall 2016



 Why all Nurses Can/Should be Authors

By June Kaminski, RN, MSN, PhD(c), Editor in Chief

Technology in Education Column

Paragogy: Emerging Theory

By Dr Sandra Bassendowski

Software Column

Dynamic Simulation Modeling

By Allen McLean, RN, MN, MSc, PhD(c)

Trends and Issues in Nursing Informatics Column

Can Nursing Informatics Improve Person-Centered Care?

By Melanie Neumeier RN MN

Featured Paper

Design and Evaluation of a Conceptually-Based Home Telecare Program: Findings from a Mixed Methods Pilot Study

By Donna Goodridge, RN, PhD, Darcy Marciniuk, MD, FRCPC, Brittany Kachur, RN, BScN, MPH, CRE, Dana Higgins, RN, BN & Sheila Achilles, RN, MN

Featured Paper

History of Nursing Informatics 1n Canada

By Amelia Chauvette, RN, BScN, MScN


 BOOK REVIEW – The Mindful Nurse

By June Kaminski, RN, MSN, PhD(c), Editor in Chief


8 Reasons Nurses Need a LinkedIn Profile

By Carol Bush at the Social Nurse

“I tell all my colleagues and clients if they are not on LinkedIn, they need to be and now. I often work with early to advanced career nurses who are establishing their professional brand or in a career transition. I coach them to get started and begin a profile today! I am happy to work with them & fine tune that profile. I give the same advice to nurse researchers or entrepreneurs….or really anyone who provides a product or service. And what product is more important than Brand You?!”


Issues are published at the end of each season. Deadlines for submissions include:

      • Winter 2017 Issue – deadline January 31st
      • Spring 2017 Issue – deadline April 30th
      • Summer 2017 Issue – deadline July 31st
      • Fall 2017 Issue – deadline October 1st



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