Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics


This article was written on 05 Apr 2019, and is filled under Volume 14 2019, Volume 14 No 1 - 2.

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Nursing Week and Informatics

by June Kaminski, RN MSN PhD(c) Editor in Chief

June Kaminski CJNI was initiated by June Kaminski in 2006 when she was President-Elect of CNIA. She is currently Curriculum Coordinator of a BSN Advanced Entry nursing program at Kwantlen Polytechnic University; Past President of the Canadian Nurses for Health and the Environment and Editor in Chief of the Online Journal of Nursing Informatics In 2012, June was honored to receive the CASN and Canada Health Infoway’s inaugural Nursing Faculty E-Health Award 2012 in Ottawa Canada. She also won the Distinguished Teaching Award from Kwantlen Polytechnic University in 2016. She offers the Nursing Informatics Learning Centre for nurses.


Nursing Week

National Nursing Week is coming up quickly and will be celebrated all across Canada and most other countries from May 6 to 12, 2019. International Nursing Day occurs on May 12, 2019 – the day Florence Nightingale was born. The theme for the 2019 National Nursing Week and International Nursing Day is: Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Health for All. It was developed by the International Council of Nurses (ICN). According to ICN, A Voice to Lead reflects the fact that “every nurse has a story and every story has the potential to improve the health system and enable individuals and communities to achieve their highest attainable standard of health” (Canadian Nurses Association, 2019).

The concept of Health for All encompasses issues of accessibility, affordability, and support for holistic health of body, mind, social, and spirit. Nurses are instrumental in providing this support, and informatics is being applied in many countries to extend this reach. A Voice to Lead calls on all nurses to feel confident in their leadership skills and apply them within their practice, professional and personal roles. Health technologies are an underpinning support for all leadership activities, support that enables nurses to extend their reach, express their ideas and insights, and readily share them with colleagues and clients. 

Our first issue of the year provides many examples of this leadership and voice applied to informatics. Ranging from educational applications, developer stances, knowledgeable consumers, designers of innovative technologies, and reflections on the status of intention and usage of health technologies in practice, the columns and papers offer food for thought and new ideas for interlacing informatics into nursing practice across all settings. We hope you enjoy this issue!

Please consider joining us in sharing your informatics-related research, teaching guides, learning experiences, musings, and so on. We are looking for papers, presentations, book/web site /software/resource reviews, and other digital works related to Nursing Informatics in Practice, Education, Research and Administration. Please join us in showcasing how Nursing Informatics is being shaped in Canada and globally.

From all of us at CJNI – we wish you a very Happy National Nurses’ Week!


Canadian Nurses Association. (2019). National Nursing Week 2019. Retrieved from

International Council of Nurses. (2019). International Nursing Day.Retrieved from


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