by June Kaminski, RN MSN PhD(c) – Editor-in-Chief
by Dr. Sandra Bassendowski
by M. Loretta Secco, RN PhD, Barb Jamieson, BScN MN, Sheila Profit, BSN, MAdEd, Judy Bailey, BScN, MN, Debbie Brennick, BScN, Joanne Whitty-Rodgers, BScN, MN, and Allene MacIsaac, BScN, MN
by Caroline L Park RN, PhD, Jocelyne M. C. Van Neste-Kenny, R.N., Ph.D, Pamela Burton, R.N., BSN, GNC(C) PIDP, MSN and Richard F. Kenny, Ph.D
by Ping Zou, RN, MN(c), BScN