By June Kaminski, RN, MSN, PhD(c), Editor in Chief
By Raymund John Ang, RN, MAN, PhD St
By Melanie Neumeier, RN MN
By Melissa Skirten, RN, BSN (pending MN and MSN Health Informatics)
By Pinar Ozmizrak, MS, PhD(c); Luigi Boccuto, MD; Tracy Brock Lowe, RN, MS, PhD; and Jane DeLuca, RN, MS, PhD, CPNP-PC
By Sigrid Stjernswärd, PhD; Frode F. Jacobsen, PhD; and Stinne Glasdam, PhD
By Daphne Lyn G. Rivera, RN; and Roison Andro Narvaez, MSN RN
This amazing teaching resource was developed by the Digital Health Peer Network, a joint CASN – Canada Health Infoway project undertaken to expand the capacity of nurse educators to teach digital health. Nursing educators and nurses in general can download this 60-page resource to help shape educational activities to improve the use of digital technologies in client care.
CASN presents this resource as a companion piece to the Nursing Informatics Entry-to-Practice Competencies and the Nursing Informatics Teaching Toolkit.
Download a copy at:
Issues are published at the end of each season. Deadlines for submissions include: