This issue, we are introducing a new column called “In the News” to keep you up to date with events, news, and notable initiatives related to Nursing Informatics.
If you have a newsworthy item that you would like to see included in this column, please contact us!
The Infoway Standards Collaborative offers a variety of options to learn more about key standards in messaging (HL7), terminology (SNOMED CT®) and vocabulary (such as LOINC® and PCLOCD). Try one of our new complimentary online orientation sessions, take an in-classroom tutorial, or arrange for a workshop tailored to your staff.
Get the details on Infoway’s standards-based education today.
Hi everyone, registration is now open for anyone interested in attending the fall 2011 Nursing Informatics Conference, in Halifax, N.S. The conference will be held on Oct 27th and Oct 28th in the Bethune Building, VG site.
If interested in attending please complete the registration form and mail/ email to the appropriate person listed on the form. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sharon Forbrigger.
ImagineNation Ideas Challenge: 2,000 votes and counting……
“We’ve launched the second round of voting to determine the top ideas. This time, we are not only engaging a panel of prominent Canadians to select the top 5 ideas, but are also reaching out to Canadians to select their favourite ideas and determine which entry will receive the Canada’s Choice Award. Already, more than 2,000 votes have been cast and hundreds of comments made about the ideas from the challenge – exactly what we hoped for when we embarked on a process to spark dialogue and highlight creative ideas that we hope will encourage innovation across the country. Continue reading >>
Share your selection with your colleagues, friends and family; and stay tuned. Voting closes June 27, and awards will be announced July 5.”
Canada Health Infoway is pleased to announce Interoperability Solutions that allow developers to implement interfaces to electronic health record systems faster and more efficiently. Get connected to the Infoway Interoperability Solutions online.
Infoway recently commissioned a pan-Canadian benefits evaluation study on the use of telehealth. The measurable results are exciting, but beyond the numbers, many of those who use these services also praise the peace of mind and improved outcomes that telehealth has given them and their families. Continue reading >>
A new initiative announced today by the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) and Canada Health Infoway (Infoway) aims to prepare nursing students for practice in modern, technology-enabled clinical environments. Canada’s nursing faculties and students will be involved in a three-year effort to strengthen learning on effective uses of information and communications technologies (ICT), now essential tools in clinical practice. Continue reading >>