Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics


This article was written on 20 Jun 2012, and is filled under Volume 7 2012, Volume 7 No 2.

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Highlights of the CNA AGM and Biennium

by June Kaminski, RN MSN PhD(c), Editor in Chief


Personal Report of the June 16 to 20th Pre-Conference, AGM and Biennium



My personal experience of this year`s Canadian Nurses Association (C.N.A.) Annual General Meeting and Biennium Conference began on June 16 at a special Pre-Conference Workshop for executive members  of the C.N.A.`s Associated, Affiliate, and Emerging Groups. This powerful workshop was led by Shari Graydon of Informed Opinions and focused on advocacy, clear communications, persuasive messaging, and engaging our audience.

The workshop began with energizing introductions and overviews from Judith Shamian, outgoing C.N.A. President. Judith enthusiastically encouraged us to collectively use our Network and Association power to deliver strong and cohesive messages to federal and provincial bodies. She pointed out that we have a strong voice and together have force that will be respected if we can deliver our messages effectively. She also emphasized that now is the time to SPEAK OUT – since too many regulatory bodies are shielding themselves in a conservative stance for self-preservation, to the detriment of the health of the Canadian people. Canadians trust us, and we have a responsibility to serve as voices and advocates for their needs in these trying times. We must not be afraid to speak out for their benefit.

Judith concluded by reminding us that engagement is the key – with other nurses, politicians and society at large. Shari built on this theme and spent the day showing us techniques on engagement, persuasion, goal setting, gathering supportive evidence and advocacy.  We ended the day by voting on a new name for our network of associations. We (CNIA included) are now known as the Canadian Network of Nursing Specialties.


I was very impressed with the calibre and number of resolutions addressed and approved at the all day AGM. The CNIA supported the Canadian Nursing Students Association (CNSA) to present a resolution related to the use of mobile and other forms of technology in the practice area. The resolution was approved and CNIA, CNSA and C.N.A. will work together, hopefully with CASN to address this resolution within the learning and practice environment.


A highlight of the Biennium was the presentation from C.N.A.`s National Expert Commission. This talented and dedicated commission has created an inspiring new report, A Call to Action for Nurses that provides ammunition and directives on how we as nurses can collectively impact the evolving health care system and national foci to shape the best health system for the future.


For me, the brightest highlights of the conference were delivered by Judith Shamian, outgoing President and Barbara Mildon, incoming President. Both women serve as shining lights for us all – and offer support and guidance in how to truly transform healthcare to serve all Canadians. Some of these messages have been recorded – you can view and listen to them on the Biennium webpage.

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