By June Kaminski, RN MSN PhD(c), Editor in Chief
First off, this issue is very late in coming, but for good reason: our 2nd national conference took precedence. Our Fall Issue will be coming out shortly, and will feature the amazing work shared at the conference. Our second National Nursing Informatics Conference, was recently held in Toronto, Ontario from October 1st to 3rd, 2007, and proved to be a dynamic, energizing event that brought many nurses interested and/or working with informatics together to share their ingenuity, experience, and research within this evolving aspect of nursing.
The theme for the conference was “Informatics Everywhere: Celebrating the diversity of informatics practice.” and we certainly witnessed this in praxis and action at the Conference. I personally found the event to be a memorable historic moment: evidence that a critical mass that is supportive and dedicated to nursing informatics is beginning to emerge here in Canada. Many fundamental and critical issues were raised, and progress to date in addressing these issues was shared and celebrated. We have a long way to go, but we are well on our way. The CNIA is enthusiastic about creating solutions for some of these issues in the months ahead. Stay tuned for the Fall Issue for more information about the conference and our projected work.
In the meantime, we offer five thoughtfully prepared papers from several of Canada’s most dedicated nursing informatics devotees. One of these papers (written by Heather Pollex, Catherine Johnson, Anya Wood) presents Part One of a four part projected series of papers related to using E-learning in practice. The remaining three papers will be published in the first three issues in 2008.
All the best,
CJNI Editor In Chief,
June Kaminski, RN MSN PhD(c)