Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics


This article was written on 20 Jun 2018, and is filled under Volume 13 2018, Volume 13 No 2.

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What Would You Pack?

Technology in Education Column

by Dr Sandra Bassendowski

Dr. Sandra BassendowskiThe Technology in Education column is written by one of our CNA Centennial 100 Award Winners, Dr. Sandra Bassendowski, who is a Professor at the University of Saskatchewan. Sandra recognized a need, and offered to write this important feature for the CJNI ñ this column is focused on how technology can be used in nursing education and by nurses in general. Sandra has been recognized by the Canadian Nurses Association, as well as the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association and the University of Saskatchewan for her inspiring, dedicated work in her educational practice.


What would you pack?So at the end of each academic year, I try to clean my office as it seems that during the year, papers and items just get tossed to the side in piles and then I have to sort through them at a later time.  Although I use a ‘paperless’ classroom approach with everything online for students, I still have many items in my office that support my teaching and learning in the actual classroom. But what is needed for my teaching and what is nice to have? The next thought I had was what items would I share with another faculty member or pack for a new educator starting out in his/her profession.  What items would I share? What stories would I tell the new educator about the items as we unpack them together?  I decided to give it a try with my top 10 items- so here they are!  I am not going to be philosophical with stating that I would pack patience, caring, enthusiasm, etc. in the suitcase but actual hands-on items that have been part of my teaching strategies for a number of years.  All these items have an adaptability factor that changes as the groups of students change!


10. nails and wooden board (decision-making activity)
9.  nursing posters (collected over the years)
8.  Lego pieces, magic mud
7. large blank jigsaw puzzles
6. kaleidoscopes
5. historical nursing photos
4. flip chart paper and markers
3. camera and a selection of my photos
2. Stephen Brookfield’s book “Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher
* 1. Parker Palmer’s book “The Courage to Teach

I believe that we need to share personal and professional experiences as “… mentoring involves both a coaching and an educational role, requiring a generosity of time, empathy, a willingness to share knowledge and skills, and an enthusiasm for teaching and the success of others” (Burgess, van Diggele, & Mellis, 2018, ¶2). What is your top ten list of actual items that would help you or a new educator engage students in the classroom and help them meet their learning outcomes? How do you use your items to support pedagogical significance for student learning?

Photograph: Sandra Bassendowski



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