Nurturing professionalism in nursing through blogging
Carrie L. Allen RN MN
Katarzyna (Kat) Moyer RN, BSN, MN(c)
Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology |
Web 2.0 Tools and Professional Parameters
Nicole Aschenbrenner, Nursing Student
University of Saskatchewan |
Leveraging technology and building a national learning centre to reach mobile home care nurses – Can it be done?
Heidi Carr, RN, BScN &
Sharon Goodwin RN(EC) MN,
VON Canada |
Decreasing the load – Use of electronic resources
Roslyn M. Compton RN, BHScN, M.Ed
Madeline Press, RN MSN
Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology |
Social Networking Explored: Twitter and Wikis and Blogs, Oh My!
Christine A. Hudak, Ph.D., RN-BC, CPHIMS
Case Western Reserve University |
Integrating Informatics throughout Four Nursing Curricula: A Case Study
Christine A. Hudak, Ph.D., RN-BC, CPHIMS
Case Western Reserve University |
The Nurse Peer Leader Strategy: Maximizing Nursing’s Involvement in eHealth for Quality Care
Lynn Nagle, RN, PhD
Nagle & Associates |
Nursing EHR 101 + Web 2.0 = Future
Bhavana Patel, BScPT, BSC Kin and
Cindy Hollister , RN BSN
Canada Health Infoway |
Facebook vs. Twitter: A Tale of Two Media
Tracie Risling, RN MN
Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology |
Putting the E! Back in eHealth: Energy, Excitement and Engagement
Wendy Lang RN
Alison MacDonald, RN, MN;
Carol A. Cooke, R.N., MHS
Betty Oldershaw RN,
Four Ontario Health Centres |
Clinician eHealth Support Network: a peer-to-peer initiative
Agnes Wong, RN
Anne Tran Fazzalari, BA MES
Canada Health Infoway |